
Project Background

IoT4Win: Internet of Thing for Smart Water Innovative Networks

Internet of Thing for Smart Water Innovative Networks( IoT4Win)is a Horizon2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action- Innovative Training Networks (ITN) 2017, European Industrial doctorate project under H2020 excellent science.

Ensuring the sustainability, security and resilience of water supplies in the face of climate change is a global challenge which demands increasingly intelligent approaches to the management and transport of finite water resources. The design and operation of smarter water networks creates a currently unmet demand for highly-skilled and multi-disciplinary engineers and scientists who apply advanced sensors; ICT, the Internet of Things (IoT) to enable smarter water networks in an increasingly complex regulated environment.

IoT4Win is a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) training network which will train Early Stage Researchers (ESR) to become the highly skilled multi-disciplinary professionals needed to design and implement the smart water networks of the future. The program will explore and develop as a field of study and focus of scientific inquiry, advanced sensors and IoT technology for water and environment monitoring and control. This will build capacity within the EU and national to develop and deliver novel IoT solutions in the urban science domain for global application. IoT4Win will exploit the synergies between ICT; intelligent data processing; water domain knowledge and social sciences through multilateral relationships between academia, technology providers and water suppliers in the public and private sector.

BCU will coordinate IoT4Win and work with project partners in the consortium, including ICT / IoT technology company from Romania and Greece and water innovation company from Spain and an utility in UK.